Department of Transportation Resources

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When working on new projects and designs, BDOT makes sure to follow standard guidelines and include community partners. This page is intended to help developers and others understand the design process. 

Please note: All new site plans where the site and access are significantly affected will be required to accommodate pedestrians, bicycles, and public transportation (when applicable).  This requirement includes but is not limited to sidewalks (widening existing sidewalks to meet ADA standards), as well as street trees.  

Additionally, BDOT has adopted the following design policy for designers and developers to use.  The BDOT Design Policy and Standards applies to Sidewalks, Driveways, and Streetside Landscaping.  The document can be found here.

For more information, please reference our Complete Streets Ordinance here. 




Design Standards

The Birmingham Department of Transportation uses design standards consistent with those of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), as well as others. 








BDOT is committed to working with partners from other agencies, from within the community, and from other cities.   









Resource Links

Click here for more information regarding design resources. 





BDOT Quick Links:

Key Initiatives
Permit Applications
Shared Micromobility Device Systems