Project Review Committee

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The Project Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Birmingham Planning Commission that is organized and authorized to review major public facility proposals for recommendation to the full Commission, and to review and approve on behalf of the Commission minor additions, alterations or modifications to existing public facilities or utilities, as well as new minor public facilities.  The Project Review Committee is composed of the five (5) Commission members comprising the Subdivision Committee, as well as at least four (4) voting ex-officio members appointed by the Chairman which includes:  the City Engineer, the Traffic Engineer, the City Architect, and the Chairman of the City Council’s Planning and Zoning Committee or his/her designee.

Committee Members:

  • Michael Morrison
  • Brian Gunn
  • Sharon Deep Nelson
  • Mashonda Taylor
  • vacant

The ex-officio members are as follows:

  • Denise Bell – Director, Department of Capital Projects
  • James Fowler – Traffic Engineer
  • Gary Ohlman – City Architect

Meeting Schedule:

The Project Review Committee meets as needed on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the 5th Floor Conference Room at Birmingham City Hall.  A quorum of the Committee consists of five (5) members.

Meeting Date Agenda Resolution(s) Audio
TBD Agenda Resolution Audio
TBD Agenda Resolution Audio

2019 Meeting Archive
2020 Meeting Archive
2021 Meeting Archive
2022 Meeting Archive
2023 Meeting Archive

Project Review Committee
500 City Hall ~ Birmingham, Alabama 35203
Michael Ward ~ Principal Planner ~ ~ 205-254-7709