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Mayor Randall Woodfin seeks to commit $5 million to continue road upgrades

Freshly paved road at 20th Place South. (photos by Daniel Roth, City of Birmingham)

Motorists taking a trip down Daniel Payne and 24th Street in District 4 or 20th Place South in District 3 are set to enjoy a smoother ride these days.

City of Birmingham crews have been hard at work repaving streets as part of the city’s ongoing resurfacing plan. Now, Mayor Randall Woodfin wants to commit $5 million as the plan to upgrade city roads enters its second year.

Mayor Woodfin will present the five-year resurfacing plan to the Birmingham City Council Dec. 4.

“Neighborhood revitalization has been of one the guiding principles of my administration, and repairing our roadways is a key component of that promise,” Mayor Woodfin said. “Our crews have completed a lot of repairs over the past year, but there’s still much more to be done. I look forward to working with the council to make our roads smoother and safer.”

The proposed funding includes:

$639,211 allotted for District 1

$735,041 allotted for District 2

$326,939 allotted for District 3

$737,246 allotted for District 4

$575,807 allotted for District 5

$365,126 allotted for District 6

$530,263 allotted for District 7

$358,559 allotted for District 8

$834,483 allotted for District 9

The funding amounts for each district were determined by need.

20th Place South in District 3

In 2018 , the city wide resurfacing project covered 32 centerline miles, a measurement of roadway length from its starting point to its endpoint. This includes two lane and four lane roadways. Truck route resurfacing was 3.5 centerline miles. An additional 3.5 centerline miles were covered by the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program, a federally funded, state administered initiative that finances the construction of and improvements to roadway projects.

“Whether it’s street paving or pothole filling or making streets more complete, these efforts we are undertaking are more than just stand alone street improvement projects,” said Edwin Revell , director of Planning, Engineering & Permits. “Rather, they are part of intentional people-first and community-based effort to better connect people and places, to improve neighborhood quality, and to enhance community experience and opportunity for all who live, work, play, and serve in the City of Birmingham.”