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Mayor Randall Woodfin expresses grief over deaths of two Birmingham children

Birmingham, AL – Mayor Randall Woodfin expressed sadness today over the loss of 2-year-old Ke’Anthony Jelks Jr. of Collegeville and 9-year-old Madison Whittsett of Roebuck. Both cases remain under investigation.

“There are no words to express the overwhelming grief a community endures when it loses one of its youngest and most vulnerable. This week, we mourn the passing of a 2-year-old boy from Collegeville and a 9-year-old girl from Roebuck,’’ Mayor Woodfin said. “My heart goes out to both families in these tragic cases.”

“I am heart broken, and I urge all of you to join me in uplifting these children’s families, friends and their communities,’’ Mayor Woodfin said. “Their deaths come as we approach the holidays, which is when many families and young people gather. Let’s take extra measures to ensure their safety. Our children are our most precious commodities.”